Saturday 9 May 2020

Sorcerous undertakings...

Hello again

As mentioned in my posts about old style battle report graphics I have done a little bit of painting recently. Not actually oldhammer specifically being a set of Heresy Miniatures fantasy sorceresses (formerly Spyglass figures I believe).

They may not be to some people's tastes but I was using them to practice skin, cloth and hair which they all have plenty of.

So the first figure was an trying to paint pale cloth colours and I also attempted to give a sort white/platinum blond hair.

I may have over emphasised her rear end...

The second sorceress was trying darker out colours and keeping up the racial diversity of my figures.
She is unfortunately looking to her left, due to my continuing struggles with eyes...

The last sorceress has a crystal ball that I wanted to try painting.
I'm fairly happy with how the crystal ball came out, although the photo is not great

Just about finished a pair of Imperial Guardsmen so once their varnished I'll be posting them as well.

Till then...

Cap'n Smyrk

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