Sunday, 31 January 2021

Dragons of Old...

Some time last year I made a post about reproductions of the battle maps for first White Dwarf Battle Report I encountered.

This battle report was the origin of my general love of the Eldar in 40k (blasphemy to my normal fantasy preference for Dwarves...).

It was also where I gained my love of the original Fire Dragon Aspect Warrior miniatures (not sure why since they were painted in a somewhat uninteresting reddish-brown with yellow helmets). In particular the Fire Dragon Exarch remains one of my all time favourite 40k miniatures.

Back when I started this blog I painted up some Fire Dragons but although I had the Exarch I didn't paint it through a bit of trepidation about painting my favourite mini.

Finally I've got around to painting him up.

I chose to paint his helmet metallic rather than the orange of the ordinary troopers to help differentiate him. I chose the copper because it is still reminiscent of the orange.

Here's the whole squad so far.

 After taking this photo I've noticed that I clearly used a different red than I thought when highlighting the earlier troopers... Blast...

Anyway. Till next time.

Cap'n Smyrk

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

87 Colonists (or 4 at least...)

 Hello again.

 I missed out on Axiom's first Colony 87 kickstarter and although I backed the second (see my earlier posts) I didn't have the funds to splash out and get the first set as well.

Now I've rectified that (partially) by getting these four from Crooked Dice and I spent my last week off work after Christmas to paint them up.

First up the pilgrim. 

 Then the trader.

The noblewoman.

And finally the nobleman (or Grandee Tarkimov as he will be in my scenario idea)

The colours of his rossettes are based on the colours of Grand Moff Tarkin's rank insignia board, as well as attempting to get the colour of Star Wars Empire uniforms.
Not sure what I'll paint next.

Till next time.

Cap'n Smyrk