Some time last year I made a post about reproductions of the battle maps for first White Dwarf Battle Report I encountered.
This battle report was the origin of my general love of the Eldar in 40k (blasphemy to my normal fantasy preference for Dwarves...).
It was also where I gained my love of the original Fire Dragon Aspect Warrior miniatures (not sure why since they were painted in a somewhat uninteresting reddish-brown with yellow helmets). In particular the Fire Dragon Exarch remains one of my all time favourite 40k miniatures.
Back when I started this blog I painted up some Fire Dragons but although I had the Exarch I didn't paint it through a bit of trepidation about painting my favourite mini.
Finally I've got around to painting him up.
I chose to paint his helmet metallic rather than the orange of the ordinary troopers to help differentiate him. I chose the copper because it is still reminiscent of the orange.
Here's the whole squad so far.
After taking this photo I've noticed that I clearly used a different red than I thought when highlighting the earlier troopers... Blast...
Anyway. Till next time.
Cap'n Smyrk