Monday, 31 August 2020

Aren't you a little short for a Tempest Scion (or whatever it is they call Stormtroopers in 40k these days)...

Anyway I've done some more painting on a number of minis since my last post.

First up are the remaining members of my original Necromunda Escher boxset to go with the heavy I showed last time.

And a group shot of the whole gang.

But my main effort (getting back to the title) are three more of my Star Wars inspired models for my scenario idea. These three round out the faction including the crew of the Perennial Sparrow

First we have Olken Binobe, last surviving member of Mystic Knights of Deij.

Still yet to master painting white

Discovered that it was quite difficult to fit his backpack with all the gubbins on his belt

This model was the actually my original inspiration for the Star Wars inspired minis back when I first saw it. Took some years to actually acquire one though. The armour colour comes from the source character's get up in the Clone Wars series.

Then we have Binobe's new apprentice, known to Hanz as the "Kid".

When I started looking around for a suitable figure for this part I couldn't find any in the old Rogue Trader ranges that really worked for me, so I started looking further field.

First it occurred to me that the character is from a desert world. Then I thought that the Van Saar enviro-suits look a bit reminiscent of the get up worn by a group of desert dwellers in a certain other Sci-Fi setting (the David Lynch film version at least). Given that that setting is itself a major inspiration for 40k (and probably also Tatooine in Star Wars as well) this seemed highly appropriate and this is the result.

Finally is the faction's objective in my possible scenario. The Contessa Elia von Olderon, leader of a failed rebellion against the Imperium on the world of Nova Spero.

This is Romana from the old Citadel Doctor Who range. Although as she isn't on a slotta base I believe she is from the RAFM manufactured version of the range. I actually acquired the model years ago after seeing one on Axiom's blog but never actually found a use for her until now.

I deliberately tried for a warmer white in comparison to Binobe starting with a Bleached Bone basecoat rather than the Elf Grey I used for him.

Not sure what I'll paint next, possible start on the third faction for the scenario.

Till next time...

Cap's Smyrk

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Odds and ends...

I have taken a bit a of a break from my Sci-Fi franchise inspired models to paint a few odds and ends recently.

Back when I started this blog I showed off a few re-touched versions of my Necromunda Escher gang, updated from their original slapdash paint jobs. I never actually got around to doing the rest of the gang box, so I'm currently putting that right. Three of the girls are still in progress but I have finished the Heavy.

Unlike the earlier models this isn't an update as she was never actually painted the first time round, a combination of laziness (I have to stick it together???) and because of a miscast that resulted in her missing the front of her right foot.

This time however I did stick her together and broke out the greenstuff for some gap filling and to replace her missing extremity.

Also I recently managed to acquire the last remaining Adeptus Arbite I needed (the 2nd Edition Champion model) and thought I'd slap some paint on him to get the Precinct finished.

I'm really quite happy with how his coat has come out. Will try and get a full group shot of the whole lot at some point.

Till next time...

Cap'n Smyrk