I've been working on more models for my Inq28 project. This one has been done for a while but its just taken me ages to actually get around to photographing it...
This was an idea I originally had back in the day to make an Arco-Flagellant, combining a Warhammer Empire Flagellant head with a Vampire Counts Ghoul body. This idea has taken so long to reach gestation that those models have subsequently become Age of Sigmar Flagellants and Ghouls, and GW has even produced an actual plastic Arco-Flagellant kit (which did provide weapons for this model, I never actually decide on a source for these in my original concept).
The nature of the shoulder attachments of ghoul body (actually a 'Cryptguard', whatever that is...) meant that I needed to use the original arms and merge them with the Arco-Flagellant weapons which worked out quite well, I was even able to turn a tooth pushed through the skin of the upper arm into a attachment point for one of the cables.
I tried to make the areas where the flesh meets the tech look inflamed although it doesn't show up well in these photos.
This model also marks my first foray into Contrast paints on the hair.
This guy is currently designated Enoch-452, and will be part of Tamerlane Voth's Puritanical warband.
I've also painted up a couple of old Bretonnian archers. These another freebee that came with an old issue of White Dwarf (presumably during the release of the revamped Bretonnian army for Warhammer 5th edition).
These were originally painted years ago and this is just a touch up, although I did remove most of the mold lines my younger self was too impatient to deal with.
This was just a simple quick paint job to give some possible background minis for scenarios. I even went with Goblin Green bases (although not true Goblin Green, just a the Vallejo paint of the same name).
I have several other Inq28 models built but not yet painted as I'm currently working on a bunch of original Necromunda Escher.
Till next time...
Cap'n Smyrk