Monday, 1 January 2024

Happy New Year...

 A Happy New Year to Oldhammerers all!

I managed a little bit of painting over the [INSERT HOLIDAY/CELEBRATION OF CHOICE] period and added a couple more models to my tally for the year just gone.

These were a couple of Grenadier/EM4 scavengers that I still had lying around from a batch I bought a while ago.

The rest of that batch ended up as members of my Broad Arrow Gang. These two however with their hoods/masks/cowls I thought were more appropriate to the Cult of the Incandescent Astral Wyrm so they were added to bulk out that faction which now stands at eleven members.

 I kept to my existing theme for this faction with purple, green and red items over individual colours for each member.

Haven't got around to doing a group shot of the whole lot with the new additions yet, still haven't quite mastered photographing large numbers of models.

Although I abandoned doing yearly retrospective posts some time ago (wow... eight years ago it would seem) I had a look back to when I actually used to set myself targets to achieve and see how well I've been doing.

The targets I set for 2016 were the following (and which I didn't meet then...):

1 - Paint at least 26 models.

2 - Base all my models.

3 - Manage at least one post a month.

This year I managed 14 models which is just over half that target (not of course that I was actually aiming for that number), but is more than the 12 I managed in 2022. Overall giving the limited time I've put into this hobby this year I'm actually pretty happy with that output!

And I've managed considerably fewer than one post a month. I've obviously never been that prolific a poster and giving the limited amount I've had to show off this was a target I was never realistically going to manage.

However whilst I still haven't gone back and yet based many of the models I have done I am at least managing to base all the new models I'm painting, so I've definitely improved here.

So what does this little exercise tell me?

Mainly that I'm rubbish at keeping to targets, and that if I'm going to set myself any (which I no longer think I do) I should probably more realistic about what I can likely achieve, what with other hobbies and commitments.

Anyway, I wish you all a happy new year, and good painting!

Till next time...

Cap'n Smyrk


  1. Looking tasty. Oh, this is not about being prolific, but just enjoying it all, and your work keeps on being great! Keep it up! Happy new year!!

  2. Thanks for being a constant source of motivation and encouragement.
