Sunday 21 June 2020


I certainly seem to have found a rich new strain of motivation for Oldhammer of late and have managed to continue painting up more models.

Although one of these is a bit of a cheat since it was technically already painted...

The first is a old C29 Jabberwock, a model that I have had for years (and previously seen in a previous post) the reasons it was acquired are lost to the mists of time.

It was originally painted in its somewhat eclectic colour scheme by my late elder brother and as such I didn't want to repaint it so all I've done is give it a few washes and some highlights (and a coat of varnish), eventually I'll probably mount it on an base once I have one of a suitable size.

Also painted this week was another Imperial Inquisitor. This one inspired by a certain other science fiction character. Although I bought the model especially for this purpose on seeing it up close I can't help thinking the designer may have also drawn inspiration from the same source...

Although not desperately visible in this image I painted the inside of his cloak a dark red just to reduce the amount of black on the model, for a similar reason I went with making the bionics metallic.

I'm currently working on Pilot Rav from the Adventurers range and Beast-Trooper Gaxt as a pair of roguish scoundrels.

Till next time...

Cap'n Smyrk

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