Saturday, 28 March 2015

Nobody Expects... Inquisitor Tycho...

So having got the obvious joke out of the way...

I present for your delectation Inquisitor Rastaban Tycho, archnemesis of Captain Smyrk.

Tried to get a sort of mitre effect with his hat...

I only noticed whilst I was painting him that he has a large T on one of shoulder pads. Strangely appropriate given his name...

Still trying to work out the crazy jagged edged sword...

Took me ages to track down some loose RT space marine backpacks for a remotely sensible price on Evilbay. At least now I have small stash for various powered armour models I have.

Tycho faces off with his nemesis Cap'n Smyrk...

That means that both of the main Protagonists from my Euphoria settings have now been painted. Admittedly Smyrk's crew is currently rather more numerous than Tycho's retinue...

Till next time



  1. I have a soft spot for this model, my own Inquisitor Dirske is a duplicate. I like the ecclesiastical feel yours has with the white hat and purple robe. I've always figured his blade is a daemon sword - makes sense given he's Ordo Malleus.

  2. Ah yes that would make sense, i'd forgotten that this was one of the Ordo Malleus inquisitors...

  3. Cool! The colour combination suits this mini perfectly, I like this one pretty much, nice work!
